

Region of some Mabia languages
Region of some Mabia languages
Welcome to our project on DFG-funded research project ''The VP-periphery in Mabia languages".

The project is located at the Goethe University Frankfurt (PI: Prof. Dr. Katharina Hartmann).

About this website

On this website you can find all sorts of information about the project:

Project Start: October 2021


July 04, 2024

Anke Himmelreich is presenting joint work with Samuel O. Acheampong on "On the interaction between coordination and focus marking: The case of Mabia languages" at the Workshop "Form and Meaning of Coordination" in Göttingen.

May 24, 2024

Johannes Mursell and Anke Himmelreich are giving a talk on "Information-structural constraints on linearization in the DP" at the Closing Workshop of the RTG "Nominal Modification" in Frankfurt.

March 01, 2024

Daniel Aremu is giving a talk on "Focus marking in Ìkálè and the Final-over-Final Constraint" at the AG 8 "Constraining Linearization" at the DGfS 46.

February 29, 2024

Johannes Mursell and Anke Himmelreich are giving a talk on "Information-structural constraints on linearization in the DP" at the AG 8 "Constraining Linearization" at the DGfS 46.

December 07, 2023

Anke Himmelreich, Johannes Mursell & Katharina Hartmann are giving a talk on "Conditions on object drop in Mabia languages" at NoCroDep 2023 (Frankfurt Edition).

September 27, 2023

Johannes Mursell presents project work on "Long-distance A'-movement in the Mabia languages" at the University of Alcalá.

June 29-30, 2023

We are happy to announce that we organize the workshop "The syntax at the vP edge in African languages" as the third installment of the workshop series "Syntax and semantics of African languages" (SASAL III) here at the Goethe University Frankfurt. For more information, see the workshop's site.

You can register now for the workshop!

April 24, 2023

Johannes Mursell will present joint work with Anke Himmelreich and Katharina Hartmann in form of a poster at the Colloquium of Generative Grammar 32 in Vitoria-Gasteiz on "When long distance dependencies are actually short: The case of Mabia languages".

April 12, 2023

Anke Himmelreich, Johannes Mursell, and Katharina Hartmann will present at GLOW 46 in Vienna on "When long distance dependencies are actually short: The case of Mabia languages".

January 24, 2023

Katharina Hartmann will present joint work with Anke Himmelreich, and Johannes Mursell titled "When long distance dependencies are actually short: The case of Mabia languages" in the Syntax/Semantics Colloquium at the Ruhr University Bochum.

December 01, 2022

Anke Himmelreich published a commentary on Graf (2022): Subregular linguistics: bridging theoretical linguistics and formal grammar. The commentary discusses focus marking in Likpakpaanl based on data collected with Sam Acheampong in the project.

November 18, 2022

Anke Himmelreich will present joint work with Daniel Aremu, Katharina Hartmann, and Johannes Mursell titled "When long distance dependencies are actually short: The case of Mabia languages" in the Syntax Colloquium at Leipzig University.

August 17, 2022

The project presented their work on " High and low focus strategies in the Mabia languages" at the faculty seminar of the Faculty of Ghanaian language education at the University of Education, Winneba, Ajumako Campus.

Further, Katharina Hartmann gave a presentation on " Doing a PhD in Germany".

July 25,2022

The project is leaving for a field work trip to Ghana. The fieldwork is conducted at the University of Education Winneba at the Ajumako Campus.

July 14, 2022

Katharina Hartmann is invited for a talk on " vP as a Phase: evidence from Dagbani" in the syntax colloquium at the University of Potsdam.

June 13, 2022

The project is presenting their work on " Morphological marking of focus in Mabia" in the syntax colloquium at the Goethe University in Frankfurt.

May 19, 2022

Katharina Hartmann gives a talk at the "Generative Grammatik des Südens" 2022 in Stuttgart titled " vP as a phase: evidence from Dagbani".

June 2, 2022

Johannes Mursell is presenting the project's work on "Morphological marking of in-situ focus in Mabia" ( poster version | handout version) at the 31st Colloquium on Generative Grammar, June 1-3, 2022, in Palma de Mallorca.

February 25, 2022

Our associate researcher Samuel Achempong gives a talk " On Account of the resumption and trace effect in ex-situ wh-extraction in Likpakpaanl" at the workshop SASAL 1 (organized by Katharina Hartmann and Malte Zimmermann) at the DGfS conference in Tübingen.

February 24, 2022

Our PhD student Daniel Aremu gives a talk on " Subject and Non-subject wh-questions asymmetry in Akure" at the workshop SASAL 1 (organized by Katharina Hartmann and Malte Zimmermann) at the DGfS conference in Tübingen.

January 27, 2022

Our project recently completed the first field trip to Vienna, where we worked with Prof. Adams Bodomo. We also had the opportunity to present some of our work at the colloquium and give a talk on Focus particles in Dagbani and Likpakpaanl.

Contributors to this page: admin and Melissa .
Page last modified on Monday October 14, 2024 12:50:00 CEST by admin.
