- Himmelreich, Anke (to appear): Locality in focus marking. Theoretical Linguistics.
(Commentary to Graf (2022): Subregular linguistics: Bridging theoretical linguistics and formal grammar. Theoretical linguistics 48.). doi: 10.1515/tl-2022-2042
(Take a look at this handout for the main idea of the commentary and for an introduction to formal grammar)
Handouts and posters
- Aremu, Daniel, Katharina Hartmann, Anke Himmelreich & Johannes Mursell (2022): When long distance dependencies are actually short: The case of Mabia languages. Talk at Leipzig University.
- Aremu, Daniel, Katharina Hartmann, Anke Himmelreich & Johannes Mursell (2022): High and low focus strategies in the Mabia languages. Talk at the University of Education, Winneba.
- Aremu, Daniel, Katharina Hartmann, Anke Himmelreich & Johannes Mursell (2022): Morphological marking of focus in Mabia. Talk at the Goethe University Frankfurt.
- Hartmann, Katharina (2022): vP as a phase: evidence from Dagbani. Talk at the GGS 46, Stuttgart and the syntax colloquium, University of Potsdam.
- Mursell, Johannes, Anke Himmelreich & Katharina Hartmann (2022): Morphological marking of focus in Mabia. Poster at CGG 31, Palma de Mallorca. (handout version available)
- Mursell, Johannes, Anke Himmelreich & Katharina Hartmann (2022): Focus particles in Dagbani and Likpakpaanl. Talk at the University of Vienna.